Lewis Short

(adjective) : vĭrīlis, e, vir
* Of or belonging to a man, manly, virile (cf.: mas, masculus).
* Lit.
* In respect of sex, male, masculine.
* Trop., of quality, worthy of a man, manly, manful, firm, vigorous, bold, spirited, etc.: veretur quicquam aut facere aut loqui, quod parum virile videatur,Cic. Fin. 2, 14, 47: laterum inflexio fortis ac virilis,id. de Or. 3, 59, 220: inclinatio laterum,Quint. 1, 11, 18: acta illa res est animo virili, consilio puerili,Cic. Att. 14, 21, 3; so, ingenium,Sall. C. 20, 11: vis ingenii (with solida),Quint. 2, 5, 23: audacia,Just. 2, 12, 24: oratio (with fortis),Cic. de Or. 1, 54, 231; so, compositio,Quint. 2, 5, 9: sermo,id. 9, 4, 3: ratio atque sententia,Cic. Tusc. 3, 10, 22: neque enim oratorius iste, immo hercle ne virilis quidem cultus est,Tac. Or. 26.—As subst.: vĭrīlia, ĭum, n., manly deeds, Sall. H. 3, 61, 15 Dietsch.—Sup.: ALMIAE SABINAE MATRI VIRILISSIMAE, etc., Inscr. Grud. p. 148, n. 5.—Adv.: vĭrīlĭter, manfully, firmly, courageously (acc. to II.), Cic. Tusc. 2, 27, 65; id. Off. 1, 27, 94; Auct. Her. 4, 11, 16; Ov. F. 1, 479.—Comp.,, Sen. Contr. 5, 33 fin.; id. Brev. Vit. 6, 5.
* In respect of strength, vigor, etc., manly, full-grown, arrived at the years of manhood: conversis studiis aetas animusque virilis Quaerit opes, etc.,Hor. A. P. 166: ne forte seniles Mandentur juveni partes pueroque viriles,the parts of fullgrown men,id. ib. 177: pars magna domus tuae morietur cum ad virilem aetatem venerit,Vulg. 1 Reg. 2, 33: toga,assumed by Roman youth in their sixteenth year,Cic. Lael. 1, 1; id. Sest. 69, 144; Liv. 26, 19, 5; 42, 34, 4 al.—Opp. to female garments: sumpsisti virilem togam quam statim muliebrem stolam reddidisti,Cic. Phil. 2, 18, 44.
* Transf., in jurid. lang., of or belonging to a person, that falls to a person or to each one in the division of inheritances: ut ex bonis ejus, qui, etc., virilis pars patrono debeatur, a proportionate part, an equal share with others, Gai Inst. 3, 42: tota bona pro virilibus partibus ad liberos defuncti pertinere,id. ib.: virilis,id. ib. 3, 70; Dig. 30, 1, 54, § 3; so, virilis portio,ib. 37, 5, 8 pr.; 31, 1, 70, § 2; Paul. Sent. 3, 2, 3.
* In gram., of the masculine gender, masculine: nomen,Varr. L. L. 10, §§ 21 and 30 Müll.; Gell. 1, 7, 15; 11, 1, 4 al.
* Transf., in gen.
* Virilis pars or portio, share, part, lot of a person: est aliqua mea pars virilis, quod ejus civitatis sum, quam ille claram reddidit,my part, my duty,Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 37, § 81: plus quam pars virilis postulat,id. ib. 2, 3, 3, § 7: cum illius gloriae pars virilis apud omnes milites sit, etc.,Liv. 6, 11, 5: quem agrum miles pro parte virili manu cepisset, eum senex quoque vindicaret,id. 3, 71, 7: haec qui pro virili parte defendunt, optimates sunt,i. e. to the utmost of their ability, as far as in them lies,Cic. Sest. 66, 138; so, pro virili parte,id. Phil. 13, 4, 8: pro parte virili,Liv. 10, 8, 4; Ov. Tr. 5, 11, 23: pro virili portione,Tac. Agr. 45; id. H. 3, 20.
* In other connections (poet.): actoris partis chorus officiumque virile Defendat,Hor. A. P. 193 Orell. ad loc.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary
See also: Virilis