


όεσσα, όεν :
accompagné de fumée, fumant, en parl. de la foudre (sel. d’autres, fumant, d’où enflammé) OD. 23, 330 ; 24, 539 ; BATR. 287 ; HH. Ven. 288 ; HÉS. Th. 515 ; ARSTT. Meteor. 3, 1, 10 ; Mund. 4, 20 ;
      2 fumeux, noir, en parl. des exhalaisons de l’Etna, EUPH. 60 ; d’un serpent, NIC. Th. 288 ;
      3 sale, négligé, en signe de deuil ou de tristesse (cf. lat. sordidus) PLUT. t. 7, p. 197 Reiske.

Fém. ψολόεις, NIC. Th. 130.

Étym. ψόλος.

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εσσα, εν, also εις, εν Nic. (v. infr.); (< ψόλος) : — sooty, smoky, mostly as epith. of κεραυνός, lurid, Od. 23.330, 24.539, Hes. Th. 515; opp. ἀργής (vivid), Arist. Mete. 371a21, Mu. 395a26; also of a serpent, opp. αἰθός, χροιῇ ψολόεις Nic. Th. 288, cf. 129 (where ψολόεις is fem.), Opp. C. 3.439; Αἴτνη ψολόεσσα Euph. 51.11. ψολόεις, οἱ, the male mourners in a ritual at the Boeotian Orchomenos, Plu. 2.299e; prob. so called because δυσειματοῦντες, cf. Plu. l.c.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


όεσσα, όεν, russig, rauchig, feurig, flammend ; κεραυνός Od. 23.330, 24.539 ; H.h. Ven. 289 ; Hes. Th. 515, Sc. 422 ; Pind. N. 10.71 ; βέλος Ep.adesp. 483 (VII.617); von Arist. mund. 4.16 durch αἰθαλώδης erkl.; Ggstz von αἰθός Nic. Th. 130, wo ψολόεις fem. ist ; – russig, schmutzig, schwarz, sordidus, zum Zeichen der Trauer, Plut.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)
See also: Ψολόεις