


*φαέθω (seul. part. prés. φαέθων, οντος) brillant, ép. du soleil, IL. 11, 735 ; OD. 5, 479 ; 11, 16 ; 12, 132 ; HÉS. Th. 760 ; SOPH. El. 824 ; EUR. El. 464 ; d’où subst. :
      1 le dieu du soleil, ANTH. 5, 274 ; 9, 137 ;
      2 le soleil, le jour : πάννυχα καὶ φαέθοντα, SOPH. Aj. 930, nuit et jour.

Étym. φάος.

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(< φάω) shine, only in part. φαέθων (exc. 3 sg. φαέθει, Hsch.), radiant, epith. of the sun, Il. 11.735, Od. 5.479, 11.16, Hes. Th. 760, S. El. 824 (lyr.), E. El. 464 (lyr.). abs., the sun, AP 5.273 (Paul. Sil.), 9.137 (Hadr.); πάννυχα καὶ φαέθοντα nights and days, S. Aj. 929 (lyr.). of the moon, φαέθουσα καὶ αὐγάζουσα PMagPar. 1.2558. as pr. n., Φαέθων, ὁ, one of the light-bringing steeds of Eos, Od. 23.246. son of Eos and Cephalus, Hes. Th. 987. son of Helios, famous for his unlucky driving of the sun-chariot, E. Hipp. 739 (lyr.), Arist. Mete. 345a15; subject of play by E. the Sun, Doroth. in Cat.Cod.Astr. 2.82, Nonn. D. 5.81. the constellation Auriga, ib. 1.357, 38.424. the planet Jupiter, Arist. Mu. 392a24, Eudox. Ars 5.14, Cic. ND 2.20.52.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


leuchten, aber gebräuchlich war wohl nur das part. φαέθων, leuchtend, scheinend, bei Hom. Il. 11.735, Od. 5.479, 11.16, 19.441 Beiwort des Sonnengottes ; so auch Hes. u. Soph. El. 814 ; Eur. El. 465 ; πάννυχα καὶ φαέθοντα, bei Nacht und bei Tage, Soph. Aj. 930 ; VLL – S. auch nom. pr.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)