


ος, ον [ᾰ]
      1 travaillé avec art (glaive, épée, etc.) PD. N. 4, 59 ; τὰ δαίδαλα, ouvrages d’art, ANTH. 9, 776 ; en parl. de statues en métal, IL. 5, 60 ; HÉS. Th. 581 ; PD. P. 5, 36 ;
      2 particul. travaillé en relief, en parl. des figures en relief sur le bouclier d’Achille, IL. 18, 482 ; ou de dessins brochés en relief sur un manteau, OD. 19, 227 ; orné de broderies, brodé, ESCHL. Eum. 635 ; d’où p. anal. tacheté, moucheté, OPP. C. 3, 347.

Étym. p.-ê. pré-grec.

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ον, cunningly or curiously wrought, μάχαιρα Pi. N. 4.59 (Did., Δαιδάλου codd.); πέπλος A. Eu. 635; in Hom. only neut. as Subst., ὃς χερσὶν ἐπίστατο δαίδαλα πάντα τεύχειν… to frame all cunning works, Il. 5.60, al. ; τεκτόνων δ. Pi. P. 5.36, cf. Opp. C. 1.355; also in sg., Od. 19.227.
spotted, speckled, or perh. rather, sheeny, shot with light, of fish, Opp. C. 1.58. as pr. n., Δαίδαλος, ὁ, Daedalus, i.e.
the Cunning Worker, the Artist, traditional name for the first sculptor, Il. 18.592, Pl. Men. 97d; hence δαίδαλα, τά, = statues, Paus. 9.3.2; also Δαίδαλα, τά, festival of Hera at Argos, ib., Plu. Daed. tit.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


ον, = δαιδάλεος, μάχαιρα Pind. N. 4.59 ; πέπλος Aesch. Eum. 605 ; bunt, Opp. C. 3.347.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)
See also: Δαίδαλος