


βροντάω-ῶ, f. ήσω :
      1 tonner, faire éclater le tonnerre, en parl. de Zeus, OD. 14, 305 ; AR. Nub. 374 ; fig. parler d’une voix tonnante, en parl. de Périclès, AR. Ach. 531 ; au pass. être frappé du tonnerre, càd. de la foudre, ARSTT. Div. per somn. 1, 9 ;
      2 impers, βροντᾷ, il tonne, AR. fr. 142 ; ARSTT. H.A. 6, 2 ; βροντήσαντος, ARSTT. H.A. 9, 3, s’il tonnait.

Ao. 3 sg. βρόντησε, OD. l. c.

Étym. βροντή.

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thunder, Ζεὺς δ’ ἄμυδις βρόντησε Od. 14.305, cf. Il. 8.133; βροντᾶν οὐκ ἐμὸν ἀλλὰ Διός Call. Fr. 490; so Βροντῶν, title of Zeus in Phrygia, JHS 5.258, etc. (but βροντῶν θεός, = Jupiter Tonans, IG 14.982, cf. D.C. 54.4); metaph of Pericles, Ar. Ach. 531, cf. V. 624; of a seller asking too high a price, Herod. 7.65.
impers., χειμέρια βροντᾷ it thunders, Ar. Fr. 46; βροντήσαντος if it thunders, Arist. HA 610b35.
Pass., to be thunderstruck, Id. Div. Somn. 463a13.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


donnern, Hom. öfters, Zeus Subjekt, Il. 8.133, 20.56, Od. 12.415, 14.305, 20.103, 113 ; – Ar. Nub. 374 ; übertr., von gewaltiger Stimme, Vesp. 624 ; imperf., ἐὰν βροντήσῃ Arist. H.A. 6.2, 9.3, der auch das pass. hat, divinat. somn. 1.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)


1. to thunder , (Odyssey by Homer); metaphorically of Pericles, (Aristophanes Comicus)
2. impersonal, βροντᾶι it thunders , (Aristophanes Comicus) (ML)
Translators Brief lexicon of Extended Strongs for Greek based on Abbot-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament (1922) (=AS), with corrections and adapted by Tyndale Scholars