Lewis Short

(v. a.P. a.) : vĭĕo, no
* Perf., ētum, 2, v. a.root in Sanscr. vjā-, cover; Gr. ἴτυς, border; cf. Lat. vitex, vitta, vimen, vitis, etc., to bend or twist together, to plait, weave (ante-class.): viere vincire: a quo est in Sota Ennii: Ibant malaci viere Veneriam corollam,Varr. L. L. 5, § 62 Müll. (Enn. p. 164 Vahl.); cf. Fest. p. 375 Müll.; Non. p. 189, 20: ut habeas vimina, unde viendo quid facias, ut sirpeas, vallos, crates,Varr. R. R. 1, 23, 5.— Hence, vĭētus (per synaeresin scanned as a dissyl., Hor. Epod. 12, 7), a, um, P. a., prop., bent together, bent up; hence, shrunken, shrivelled, withered, wrinkled (cf. viesco): aliquid vietum et caducum,Cic. Sen. 2, 5: membra,Hor. Epod. 12, 7: ficus,Col. 12, 15, 1.—Transf.: cor,Cic. Div. 2, 16, 37: senex,Ter. Eun. 4, 4, 21: vestis,decayed,Lucr. 3, 385.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary