Lewis Short
umbĭlīcus (noun M) : akin to ὀμφαλός
* The navel.
* Lit., Cels. 7, 14; 6, 17; Plin. 11, 37, 89, § 220; Liv. 26, 45, 8; Auct. B. Afr. 85, 1; Isid. Orig. 11, 1.
* Transf.
* The umbilical cord, Cels. 7, 29, § 41.
* The pin or index on a sundial, Plin. 6, 34, 39, § 212; 2, 72, 74, § 182.
* A kind of sea-snail, sea-cockle, Cic. de Or. 2, 6, 22; Val. Max. 8, 8, 1; Aur. Vict. Vit. Caes. 3.
* Umbilicus Veneris, the herb navelwort, App. Herb. 43.
* A small circle, Plin. 37, 5, 20, § 78; 18, 33, 76, § 327.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary