Lewis Short
(adjective) = τροπικός: trŏpĭcus, a, um, , = .
* Lit., of or belonging to a turn or turning, tropical: Capricornus,i. e. where the sun turns back,Aus. Idyll. 16, 7; cf. id. Ecl. de Ratione Diei Anni, 2; Manil. 3, 614.
* Trop. *
* Trŏpĭca, ōrum, n., changes, alterations: pecuniae cupiditas haec tropica instituit,Petr. 88.
* In the later rhet. lang., figurative, metaphorical, tropical (late Lat.): figura,Gell. 13, 24, 31: locutiones, Aug. contra Mendac. 10.—Adv.: trŏpĭcē, figuratively: loqui maluit,Aug. Genes. ad Lit. 4, 9.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary