Lewis Short
tempĕrātūra (noun F) : id.
* Due measure, proportion, composition, or quality; temper, temperament, temperature (anteclass. and post-Aug. for the class. temperatio): caeli temperatura, Varr. ap. Non. 179, 12: corporis,Sen. Ep. 11, 6: minii,Vitr. 7, 9: aeris,Plin. 34, 9, 20, § 97; cf. id. 34, 2, 5, § 10; 34, 8, 19, § 75: utilis ac salubris (in balneis),Sen. Ep. 86, 10: linire absque temperatura,with untempered mortar,Vulg. Ezech. 13, 11.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary