Lewis Short
taenĭa (noun F) : (
* Abl. plur. taeniis; dissyl.,Verg. A. 5, 269), f., = ταινία, a band, ribbon, fillet; a head-band, hair-band, bandeau (syn. vitta).
* Lit. (only poet.): taenias Graecam vocem sic interpretatur Verrius, ut dicat ornamentum esse laneum capitis honorati, ut sit apud Caecilium in Androgyno: sepulcrum plenum taeniarum, ita ut solet, et alias: dum taeniam, qui volnus vinciret, petit. Ennius in Alexandro: volans de caelo cum coronā et taeniis (Trag. Rel. v. 33 Rib.): Attius in Neoptolemo: (tumulum) decorare est satius quam urbem taeniis,Fest. p. 360 Müll. (cf. Trag. Rel. v. 472 Rib.): puniceis ibant evincti tempora taeniis,Verg. A. 5, 269; 7, 352: taenia ne madidos violet bombycina crines,Mart. 14, 24, 1.
* Transf., of things of a like shape.
* A tape-worm: Taenia solium and vulgaris, Linn.; Cato, R. R. 126; Plin. 11, 33, 39, § 113; 31, 9, 45, § 102; Ser. Samm. 30, 563.
* A kind of fish, the ribbon-fish: Cepola taenia, Linn.; Plin. 32, 7, 24, § 76 (Jahn, thynnus).
* In archit., the fillet which separates the Doric frieze from the architrave, Vitr. 4, 3 med.
* A streak in paper, Plin. 13, 12, 25, § 81 (Sillig).
* A row of projecting rocks in the sea, a reef, Plin. 3, prooem. § 4. — Hence the purple-fish found on these rocks are called taeniense genus purpurarum, Plin. 9, 37, 61, § 131.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary