Lewis Short
symphōnĭa (noun F) = συμφωνία,:
* An agreement of sounds, concord, harmony, symphony.
* Lit., sing.: cum symphonia caneret,Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 44, § 105; 2, 5, 13, § 31; id. Fam. 16, 9, 3; Liv. 39, 10, 7; Plin. 9, 8, 8, § 24; 10, 29, 43, § 84; Sen. E 12, 8; Hor. A. P. 374.—Plur., Cic. Cael. 15, 35; Cels. 3, 18 al.—Of a signal in war, Prud. ad Symm. 2, 527.
* Transf., in late Lat., a kind of musical instrument, Isid. Orig. 3, 22 fin.; cf. Hier. Ep. 21, 29.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary