Lewis Short
(verb) : sup-planto (subpl-), āvi, ātum, 1, planta
* To trip up one's heels, to throw down, ὑποσκελίζω.
* Lit.: supplantare dictum est pedem supponere, Lucilius: supplantare aiunt Graeci,Non. 36, 3: qui stadium currit, supplantare eum, quīcum certet nullo modo debet, * Cic. Off. 3, 10, 42: athleta supplantatus,Sen. Ep. 13, 2.
* Transf., in gen., to throw down, throw to the ground, overthrow: vitem,Col. Arb. 7, 4: vites in terram,Plin. 17, 23, 35, § 212: uvas,id. 17, 22, 35, § 192: fulturas (vehemens aquae vis),Vitr. 10, 22.—Poet.: tenero supplantat verba palato, trips up, i. e. distorts, minces, Pers. 1, 35: judicium,to overturn,Quint. Decl. 7.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary