Lewis Short
stătĭo (noun F) : sto
* A standing, a standing still.
* Lit. (so very rare; not in Cic.): navis, quae manet in statione,remains standing, stands still, does not move,Lucr. 4, 388; so, manere in statione,id. 4, 396; 5, 478; 5, 518: in statione locata nubila,id. 6, 193: varas In statione manus et pugnae membra paravi, in a firm posture (for fighting), Ov. M. 9, 34: numquam id (sidus) stationem facere,stands still,Plin. 2, 17, 15, § 77: stationes matutinas facere,id. 2, 15, 12, § 59: solus immobilem stationis gradum retinens,Val. Max. 3, 2, 23: terrae,Manil. 2, 70.—*
* Trop., that which is established by custom or prescription, a transl. of the Gr. θεματισμός, Vitr. 1, 2, 5.
* Transf., in concr., a place where persons or things stay or abide, a station, post, an abode, residence.
* In gen. (mostly poet. and in post-Aug. prose): Athenis statio mea nunc placet,Cic. Att. 6, 9, 5: quā positus fueris in statione, mane,Ov. F. 2, 674; cf. id. ib. 5, 719: principio sedes apibus statioque petenda,Verg. G. 4, 8: apricis statio gratissima mergis,id. A. 5, 128: equorum,i. e. a stall,Pall. 1, 21, 2; so, jumentorum,Dig. 7, 1, 13 fin.: plerique in stationibus sedent tempusque audiendis fabulis conterunt,in public places,Plin. Ep. 1, 13, 2: stationes circumeo,id. ib. 2, 9, 5: quod tabernas tris de domo suo circa forum civitatibus ad stationem locasset,Suet. Ner. 37: thermae, stationes, omne theatrum,Juv. 11, 4; Gell. 13, 13, 1: stationes municipiorum,Plin. 16, 44, 86, § 236: si ad stationem vel tabernam ventum sit,Dig. 47, 10, 15, § 7: stationes hibernae,winter-quarters,Amm. 14, 1, 1.
* Poet., of things, place, position: pone recompositas in statione comas,in their place,Ov. Am. 1, 7, 68; id. A. A. 3, 434: permutata rerum statione, Petr. poët. 120, 99: umoris,Pall. 1, 43.
* In partic.
* In milit. lang., a post, station (v. custodiae, vigilia): cohortes ex statione et praesidio emissae,Caes. B. G. 6, 42: ii, qui pro portis castrorum in statione erant ... Cohortes quae in stationibus erant, etc.,id. ib. 4, 32; 5, 15; 6, 37; 6, 38: in stationem succedere,to relieve,id. ib. 4, 32: stationem inire,Tac. A. 13, 35: relinquere,Verg. A. 9, 222: deserere,Suet. Aug. 24: habere,Liv. 35, 29: quique primi transierant, in statione erant, dum traicerent ceteri,on guard,Curt. 7, 5, 18.—Transf.: suis vicibus capiebant bina (lumina Argi) quietem; Cetera servabant atque in statione manebant,kept at their posts,Ov. M. 1, 627; 2, 115.—Trop.: de praesidio et statione vitae decedere,Cic. Sen. 20, 73: functo longissimā statione mortali,Vell. 2, 131, 2: imperii statione relictā,Ov. Tr. 2, 219; Vell. 2, 124, 2; Tac. Or. 17; Suet. Claud. 38.
* Transf., like our post, watch, guard, for those who are stationed to watch, who stand guard, sentries, sentinels, outposts, pickets: ut stationes dispositas haberent,Caes. B. G. 5, 16; 7, 69fin.: ut minus intentae diurnae stationes ac nocturnae vigiliae essent,Liv. 9, 24, 5; 25, 38, 16; cf. in sing.: ad stationem Romanam in portā segniter agentem vigilias perveniunt,id. 10, 32, 7: dispositā statione per ripas Tiberis,Suet. Tib. 72: crebrae,Caes. B. C. 1, 73: custodiae stationesque equitum,id. ib. 1, 59: statione militum assumptā,i. e. body-guard, lifeguard,Suet. Tib. 24; so, militum,id. Ner. 21; 34; 47.
* Transf., in gen., a station, office, position, in government, etc. (post-class.): in hac statione, i. e. the imperial office,Spart. Ael. Verr. 4: statio imperatoria,Lampr. Comm. 1: Augusta,Capitol. Clod. Alb. 2: regia, Vulc. 7; Capitol. Verr. 8.
* Naut. t. t., an anchorage, roadstead, road, bay, inlet (syn. portus), Lentul. ap. Cic. Fam. 12, 15, 2: quietam nactus stationem,Caes. B. C. 3, 6; 3, 8; 1, 56 fin.; Liv. 10, 2, 6; 28, 6, 9; 31, 33, 3; Verg. G. 4, 421; id. A. 2, 23 al.
* A place of residence, a post, station of the fiscal officers of a province; also, for the officers themselves, Cod. Th. 12, 6, 19; Cod. Just. 4, 31, 1; 10, 5, 1; Inscr. Orell. 3207; 4107.
* A post-station, post-house, Inscr. Murat. 1015; Morcell. Stil. Inscr. Lat. 1, p. 421.
* A religious meeting, assembly of the Christians: die stationis, nocte vigiliae meminerimus,Tert. Or. 29: stationes in vesperam producere,id. adv. Psych. 1; so id. ib. 10; id. ad Ux. 2, 4.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary