Lewis Short
spătĭor, ātus, 1
* V. dep. n. [id.].
* To take a walk, to walk about, promenade (class.; cf.: ambulo, deambulo): cum resideret, deinde spatiaretur,Cic. Rosc. Am. 21, 59: in xysto,id. Opt. Gen. 3, 8: aggere in aprico,Hor. S. 1, 8, 15: Pompeiā in umbrā (i. e. porticu),Prop. 4 (5), 8, 75. Pompeiā sub umbrā,Ov. A. A. 1, 67: in porticibus,Petr. 90: summā harenā,Ov. M. 2, 573 et saep.
* In gen., to walk about or along, to go, proceed, = incedere (poet. and in postAug. prose): (Dido) ante ora deum pingues spatiatur ad aras,Verg. A. 4, 62: lato arvo,Ov. M. 4, 87; cf. id. ib. 11, 64; Quint. 11, 3, 131; cf. id. 11, 3, 135: cornix sola in siccā secum spatiatur harena,Verg. G. 1, 389: pompa spatietur,will move along,Prop. 2, 13, 19 (3, 5, 3): lato spatiata campo,Sil. 4, 71.
* Transf., of things, to spread out, expand: spatiantia passim Bracchia compescit,Ov. M. 14, 629: spatiantes alae,his spreading wings,id. ib. 4, 364: radices in summā tellure spatiantur,Plin. 17, 10, 12, § 65: intus, ut in metallis, spatiante venā,id. 17, 8, 4, § 45: morbum nosse, et vires ejus, antequam spatientur, opprimere,Sen. Ira, 3, 10, 4.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary