Lewis Short
sextārĭus (noun M) : sextus.
* In gen., the sixth part of a measure, weight, etc., Rhemn. Fann. Pond. 71; Fest. s. v. publica pondera, p. 246 Müll.
* In partic.
* As a liquid measure, the sixth part of a congius, = a pint, Cato, R. R. 13, 3; Varr. ap. Gell. 3, 14, 2; Cic. Off. 2, 16, 56; Hor. S. 1, 1, 74; Plin. 28, 6, 17, § 64 al.
* As a dry measure, the sixteenth part of a modius, Col. 2, 9 fin.; 2, 10, 24; 12, 5, 1; Plin. 18, 13, 35, § 131; 24, 14, 79, § 129; Dig. 47, 2, 21, § 5.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary