

Lewis Short

(adjective) : sēmĭ-rŭtus, a, um, ruo
* Halfpulled down, half-overthrown, half-demolished, half-destroyed, half-ruined (not anteAug.; freq. in the historians, esp. in Liv.): murus,Liv. 31, 26; 32, 17: tecta,id. 10, 4; Luc. 1, 24: vallum,Tac. A. 1, 61: castella,Liv. 28, 44; Tac. A. 4, 25: urbs,Liv. 5, 49; 31, 24: plus negotii fuit cum semirutā Karthagine quam cum integrā,Flor. 2, 15, 13: patria,Liv. 26, 32 et saep.: telae confuso stamine,half-torn,Claud. Rapt. Pros. 3, 155. —Neutr. plur. as subst.: sēmĭrŭta, ōrum, n.: partim per semiruta partim scalis integros muros transcendere,the halfdemolished parts of the wall,Liv. 36, 24, 6 (dub.; Weissenb. semirutos): semiruta moenium,App. Flor. 2, p. 350, 30.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary