Lewis Short

sagmen (noun N) : root sag, to fill, feed; cf. Gr. σεσαγμένος, σάττω; Lat. sagina
* The tuft of sacred herbs plucked within the citadel by the consul or proetor, by bearing which the persons of the Roman fetiales and ambassadors became inviolable: sunt sagmina quaedam herbae, quas legati populi Romani ferre solebant, ne quis eos violaret, sicuti legati Graecorum ferunt ea, quae vocantur cerycia,Dig. 1, 8, 8; cf. Fest. p. 320 Müll.; and Paul. ex Fest. p. 321 ib.; Plin. 22, 2, 3, § 5; Liv. 1, 24; 30, 43.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary