Lewis Short

respecto, āre
* V. freq. n. and a. [id.], to look back, look round or behind repeatedly or intently, to look or gaze about; to look at any thing (class.).
* Lit.
* Neutr. absol.: quid respectas? nihil pericli est,Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 3: ubi respectantes hostium antesignanos vidit,Liv. 8, 39; Quint. 12, 3, 2; Verg. A. 11, 630: respectans abit,Sil. 12, 729; Stat. Th. 3, 377: ad tribunal,Liv. 3, 48: respecto identidem, ne senex, etc.,Plaut. Cas. 5, 2, 13; so, identidem, ne,id. Men. 1, 2, 51. — Poet.: leti janua patet immani et vasto respectat hiatu,Lucr. 5, 375.
* Trop., to cast a look behind, to wait; to wait for, look for, expect; to care for, regard, respect.
* Neutr.: verum haec ita praetereamus, ut tamen intuentes et respectantes relinquamus,Cic. Sest. 5, 13: animus non me deserens, sed respectans in ea loca discessit, id. Sen. 23, 84: taciti respectabant somnoque sepulti, Dum, etc.,i. e. waited,Lucr. 5, 974.
* Act.: si qua pios respectant numina,regard,Verg. A. 1, 603: neque hoc liberis nostris interdicendum est, ne observent tribules suos ... ne par ab iis munus in suā petitione respectent,look for, expect,Cic. Planc. 18, 45: meum amorem,Cat. 11, 21.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary