Lewis Short
rĕmĕlīgo (noun F) : acc. to Fest. p. 277 Müll. from remoror, and hence qs. for remŏrigo, perh. i. q. 1. remora, but concr.
* She that delays or hinders, the (fem.) delayer, hinderer: remeligines et remorae a remorando dictae sunt a Plauto in Casinā (4, 3, 6): nam quid illaec nunc tamdiu intus remorantur remeligines. Ab Afranio in Prodito: remeligo a Laribus missa sum, Fest. l. l. (the palimpsest of Plautus, acc. to Ritschl's collation, has, instead of the last two words of the verse in question, remoranturreme ... ); cf.: Remelicines remoratrices, Gloss. Isid.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary