Lewis Short

(verb) : rĕgĕlo, āvi, ātum, 1, , qs. to unfreeze, i. e.
* To thaw, warm (post-Aug.).
* Lit.: solum aedificii,Col. 1, 5, 8; Mart. 3, 93, 17: sucina regelata manu,id. 11, 8, 6: vites regelatae siccantur,Col. 11, 2, 7 Schneid. N. cr.: Riphaeae torpentia frigore brumae, Col. poët. 10, 78. — *
* Trop.: jam aetas mea contenta est suo frigore: vix mediā regelatur aestate,Sen. Ep. 67, 1.
* To air, cool off: granaria,Varr. R. R. 1, 57, 3.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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