Lewis Short
(adjective) : pūbes and pūber (cf. Prisc. p. 707 P.; also pūbis, ĕris, Caes. ib.), ĕris, root pu-, to beget; in Sanscr. putras, son; pumans, man; cf.: puer, pūpa, putus, etc.
* That is grown up, of ripe age, adult, pubescent.
* Lit. (class.): pubes et puber qui generare potest: is incipit esse a quattuordecim annis: femina a duodecim viri potens, sive patiens, ut quidam putant,Fest. p. 250 Müll.; Crass. ap. Cic. de Or. 2, 55, 224: filii,Cic. Off. 1, 35, 129: priusquam pubes esset, Nep. Dion, 4, 4: ad puberem aetatem,Liv. 1, 3.
* Subst.: pūbĕres, um, m., grown-up persons, adults, men (cf.: adulescens, ephebus): omnes puberes armati convenire consuerunt,Caes. B. G. 5, 56; id. B. C. 2, 13; 3, 9; Sall. J. 26, 3; 54, 6; Tac. A. 13, 39.—Sing. collect.: omnem Italiae pubem commiserat,Cic. Mil. 23, 61; Liv. 1, 9, 6; Suet. Ner. 43; Tac. H. 2, 47.— Rarely, of one person, a youth: ne praejudicium fiat impuberi per puberis personam,Dig. 37, 10, 3, § 8.
* Transf., of plants, covered with soft down, downy, pubescent, ripe: folia,Verg. A. 12, 413: uvae,Front. Ep. ad M. Caes. 4, 4 Mai.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary
Lewis Short
pūbes (noun F) : (nom. pubis, Prud. Cath. 7, 162), , 1. pubes
* The signs of manhood, i. e. the hair which appears on the body at the age of puberty, Gr. ἥβη.
* Lit.: si inguen jam pube contegitur,Cels. 7, 19: capillus et pubes,Plin. 34, 8, 19, § 58.
* Transf.
* The hair in gen.: ciliorum,Mart. Cap. 2, § 132.
* Trop., fulness, ripeness: pube agri variorum seminum laeti,Amm. 24, 5, 1.
* Collect., grown-up males, youth, young men (class.): omnem Italiae pubem,Cic. Mil. 23, 61; Verg. A. 5, 573: robora pubis Lecta,id. ib. 8, 518: Romana,Liv. 1, 9; Tac. A. 6, 1; id. H. 2, 47; Sil. 1, 667.—Poet., transf., of bullocks, Verg. G. 3, 174.
* In gen., men, people, population: pube praesenti,Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 124; Cat. 64, 4; 268; 68, 101: Dardana,Verg. A. 7, 219: captiva,Hor. C. 3, 5, 18: Romana,id. ib. 4, 4, 46 al.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary