

Lewis Short

(adjective) : praerŏgātīvus, a, um, praerogo
* That is asked before others for his opinion, that votes before or first, prerogative (class.).
* Adj.: centuria praerogativa,Cic. Planc. 20, 49; cf. Fest. p. 249 Müll.; Becker, Antiq. II. 3, p. 3 sq., and the authorities there cited; Mommsen, Die Röm. Tribus, p. 64 sq.—More freq.
* Subst.: praerŏgā-tīva, ae, f. (sc. tribus or centuria). Lit., the tribe or century to which it fell, by lot, to vote first in the Comitia, Cic. Div. 1, 45, 103: praerogativa Veturia juniorum (because it was double, juniorum and seniorum),Liv. 26, 22, 2; cf.: cum sors praerogativae Aniensi juniorum exisset,id. 24, 7 fin.; cf. id. 26, 22, 2: Q. Fabium et praerogativae et primo vocatae omnes centuriae consulem dicebant, i. e. the centuriae equitum who, in that ancient time, voted first,id. 10, 22, 1; cf.: praerogativae sunt tribus, quae primae suffragium ferunt ante jure vocatas. Mos enim fuerat, quo facilius in comitiis concordia populi firmaretur, bina omnia de iisdem candidatis comitia fieri: quorum tribus primae praerogativae dicebantur, quod primae rogarentur, quos vellent consules fieri, secundae jure vocatae, quod in his, sequente populo, ut saepe contigit, praerogativarum voluntatem, jure omnia complerentur, Ascon. ap. Cic. Verr. 1, 9, 26.—Collect. of the same; praerogativa, with plur.: praerogativa tribunum militum non petentem creant,Liv. 5, 18, 1.—In plur.: praerogativae of two comitia,Cic. Verr. 1, 9, 26: omen praerogativae, i. e. the choice of the century that voted first, which was regarded as an omen, id. Mur. 18, 38; cf.: praerogativam etiam majores omen justorum comitiorum esse voluerunt,id. Div. 1, 45, 103: praerogativam referre, said of the herald who informed the magistrate holding the comitia of the choice of the century that voted first,id. ib. 2, 35, 74; also praerogativam renuntiare,id. Phil. 2, 33, 82.—Because the other tribes or centuries readily followed the praerogativa; hence, transf.
* A previous choice or election: militaris,Liv. 21, 3, 1: comitiorum militarium,id. 3, 51, 8: equitum,id. 28, 9 fin.
* A sure sign, token, pregnostie, omen: quod si triumphi praerogativam putas supplicationem, Cato ap. Cic. Fam. 15, 5, 2: voluntatis suae,Cic. Verr. 1, 9, 26: fecunditatis in feminis,Plin. 7, 16, 14, § 67.
* Preference, privilege, prerogative: decoris in gemmis,Plin. 37, 9, 46, § 129: magni enim faciunt provinciales, servari sibi consuetudinem istam, et hujusmodi praerogativas,Dig. 1, 16, 4; cf. ib. 26, 7, 11: vetus illa imperatoriae domūs praerogativa,Eum. Pan. ad Constant. 2; Ambros. in Psa. 43, 13; 118, Serm. 2, 14 fin.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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