Lewis Short
praepărātĭo (noun F) : praeparo.
* A getting or making ready, a preparing, preparation (class.): priusquam aggrediare, adhibenda est praeparatio diligens,Cic. Off. 1, 21, 73: provisio animi et praeparatio ad minuendum dolorem,id. Tusc. 3, 14, 30: belli,Vell. 1, 12, 6: futurae impensae,Front. Aquaed. 124: cordis,Vulg. Psa. 9, 17 (37): pugnae, id. Judith, 4, 4.
* Rhet., a preparation of the hearers for what is to follow, = προπαρασκευή, Quint. 7, 10, 12; 4, 2, 55; 9, 2, 17.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary