

Lewis Short

(verb) : prae-mūnĭo (praemoenio, Gell. 13, 27; 14, 2), īvi, ītum, 4
* To fortify or defend in front (class.).
* Lit.: aditus magnis operibus,Caes. B. C. 3, 58: loca necessaria,id. ib. 3, 112: Isthmum,id. ib. 3, 55: fossa,Tac. H. 3, 21.
* Trop.
* To fortify, protect, secure: metu venenorum praemuniri medicamentis,of securing himself,Suet. Calig. 29: praemuniendae regalis potentiae gratiā,Vell. 2, 6, 2: genus (dicendi) praemunitum, et ex omni parte causae septum,Cic. de Or. 3, 9, 32: praemunitus scientiā linguarum,fortified,Aug. Doct. Chr. 3, 1.—Absol.: ut ante praemuniat, of an orator's art,Cic. Or. 40, 137.
* To place a thing before another for defence or strengthening: quae praemuniuntur omnia reliquo sermoni, quo facilius, etc.,are premised to obviate objections, said by way of premunition,Cic. Leg. 1, 12, 34: illa, quae ex accusatorum oratione praemuniri intellegebam, brought forward or adduced in defence, id. Cael. 8, 19: primum illud praefulci et praemuni, quaeso, ut simus annui, take care of or secure beforehand, id. Att. 5, 13, 3.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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