

Lewis Short

praefectūra (noun F) : (
* Dat. plur. PRAEFECTVREIS, Inscr. Corp. Lat. 206, 83), f. id., the office of a president or overseer, a presidency, superintendence, prefecture.
* In gen.: villae,Varr. R. R. 1, 17 fin.; cf. Plaut. Cas. 1, 11 (infra, B. 2. b.): morum, the superintendence of the public morals (a part of the duty of the censor), Suet. Caes. 76: hanc de se praefecturam servo dare,Plin. 28, 5, 14, § 56: equitum Gallorum,the command of the cavalry,Hirt. B. G. 8, 12: alarum,Suet. Aug. 38: urbis,Plin. 7, 14, 12, § 62; Suet. Aug. 37; id. Tib. 42; id. Vesp. 1; Dig. 1, 12, 1 (al. Urbi): praetorio,Aur. Vict. Caes. 9, 11: praefectura domūs Siculā non mitior aulā,Juv. 6, 486.
* In partic.
* In milit. lang., the office of commander or governor in the provinces, the government of a country or town (which was conferred by the proconsuls and propraetors), a prefectship, prefecture: praefecturas sumere,Cic. Att. 6, 1, 4; cf.: praefecturam petivit: negavi me cuiquam negotianti dare,id. ib. 5, 21, 10: multorum consulum praetorumque praefecturas delatas sic accepit, ut, etc.,Nep. Att. 6, 4.
* The administration of a province: aliquem ad praefecturam Aegypti provehere, Suet. Aug. 66: Aegypti,id. Ner. 47.—Hence
* Transf.
* In the agrimensores, the land allotted to a colony, Sicul. Flacc. Condit. Agr. p. 21 Goes.; Front. Limit. p. 43 ib.; Aggen. ap. Front. p. 56 ib.
* The territory of a prefecture, a district, province, government (anteclass. and post-Aug.): quin ruri es in praefecturā tuā? ... abi rus, abi directus tuam in provinciam,Plaut. Cas. 1, 11 and 15: nunc ibo in meam praefecturam, ut jus dicam lardo,id. Capt. 4, 3, 7: Aegyptus dividitur in praefecturas oppidorum, quas nomos vocant,Plin. 5, 9, 9, § 49: proximae praefecturae,Tac. A. 11, 8: praefecturae magis quam imperia, Front. Princ. Hist. med.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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