

Lewis Short

(v. n.P. a.) : persĕvēro, āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and
* A. [perseverus].
* Neutr., to abide by or adhere to strictly; to continue steadfastly, to persist, persevere in any thing (class.; syn.: persisto, permaneo).
* With in and abl.: perseveras tu quidem et in tuā vetere sententiā permanes,Cic. Leg. 3, 11, 26; so, in suā sententiā,id. Phil. 4, 4, 11: in vitiis,id. Inv. 2, 2, 5: in errore,id. Phil. 12, 2, 5: in eo perseveravit, jus publicano non dicere,id. Prov. Cons. 5, 10; Vulg. Matt. 10, 22; id. Heb. 12, 7: nobiscum,continuing with us,id. Act. 27, 2.
* Act., to go on or proceed with steadily, to persist, persevere in any thing (class.); usually constr with an object-clause; rarely with acc. or abl.
* With inf.: injuriam facere,Cic. Quint. 8, 31: aliquem conservare, Curius ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 29, 1: bello persequi,Caes. B. G. 1, 13, 4.—With acc. and inf: cum Orestes perseveraret, se esse Orestem,stuck to it,Cic. Lael. 7, 24; so, cum id facturos se perseverarent,Vell. 2, 92, 3.
* With acc.: neque te ipsum id perseverare et transigere potuisse,Cic. Quint. 24, 76: religiosam observantiam,Symm. Ep. 1, 90 (96).—In the pass.: ob haec illi quatriduo perseverata inedia est,Just. 12, 6, 15
* With abl.: bellis continuis perseverare,Just. 38, 4, 11.—Hence, persĕvērans, antis, P. a., persevering; with abl.: perseverantior caedendis (hostibus),Liv. 5, 31, 4 (Madv. caedendi).—Absol.: perseverantissimus sui cultus,Val. Max. 6, 6, 1 ext.: perseverantissimum studium, Col. praef. 1, § 19: pertinaciter perseverans, Jul. Obseq. 64: valetudo,Plin. Ep. 1, 12, 9: perseverantissima pietas,Aug. Ep. 555.—Adv.: persĕvēranter, perseveringly: tueri,Liv. 4, 60, 5: tacere,Val. Max. 6, 1, 7.—Comp.: perseverantius saevire,Liv. 21, 10, 7.—Sup.: aliquem perseverantissime diligere,Plin. Ep. 4, 21, 3 (dub.; Keil, persevera).
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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