Lewis Short
(verb) : per-censĕo, ŭi, 2
* To go through or over a thing.
* Lit., to count over, reckon up, enumerate: inveniendi locos,Cic. Part. 36, 127: gentes,Liv. 33, 32; 10, 36, 15: numerum legionum,Tac. A. 4, 4: res Caesaris,Plin. 7, 26, 27, § 99.
* Transf.
* In gen., to survey, view; lit. and trop., to review, examine: manipulos,Varr. R. R. 1, 50, 1: orationes,Liv. 32, 21: captivos,id. 6, 25: omnia vultu,Sil. 6, 648: orationem acri subtilique ingenio,Gell. 7, 3, 10.
* To go over, travel through: Thessaliam,Liv. 34, 52: totum orbem,Ov. M. 2, 335: signa,id. F. 3, 109.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary