Lewis Short
(adjective) : pĕdālis, e, pes
* Of or belonging to the foot, foot-.
* In gen.; hence, subst.: pĕdālis, is, f. (sc. solea), a slipper, Petr 56.
* In partic., of the size of a foot, of a foot, as a measure; a foot in length, breadth, thickness, etc.: sol mihi videtur quasi pedalis,a foot in diameter,Cic. Ac. 2, 26, 82; cf. Sen. Q. N. 1, 3, 10: transtra ex pedalibus in latitudinem trabibus,Caes. B. G. 3, 13: longitudo,Col. 4, 7, 3: crassitudo,Plin. 17, 8, 4, § 47: altitudo,id. 20, 22, 91, § 247: spatium,Col. 4, 16, 2: intervalla,Plin. 21, 4, 10, § 21: sulcus,id. 17, 20, 33, § 146.—Subst.: pĕdālis, is, f., a measure; in gen.: tuae praecisionis,Vulg. Jer. 51, 13.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary