Lewis Short

pălĕa (noun F) : kindred with Sanscr. pala, stramen; cf.: pollen, pulvis, παλύνω
* Chaff, Varr. R. R. 1, 50 fin.: surgentem ad Zephyrum paleae jactantur inanes,Verg. G. 3, 134; Plin. 18, 30, 72, § 297; Col. 2, 9, 15; 6, 2, 3; 7, 3, 22 al.; Vulg. Matt. 3, 12.
* Transf.
* Dross: palea aeris,Plin. 34, 13, 36, § 134.
* The wattles or gills of a cock, Varr. R. R. 3, 9, 5; Col. 8, 2, 9.
* Straw, Vulg. Judic. 19, 19; id. Isa. 11, 7.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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