Lewis Short
(adj.adv.) : pācĭfĭcus, a, um, adj.id.
* Peacemaking, pacific, peaceable (class.): persona, * Cic. Att. 8, 12, 4: secures,the axes in the fasces of the lictors,Luc. 7, 63: Janus,Mart. 8, 66.—Plur. as subst.: beati pacifici,Vulg. Matt. 5, 9.—Esp.: victimae pacificae,peaceofferings,Vulg. Exod. 29, 28: hostiae,id. ib. 32, 6.—As subst.: pācĭfĭca, ōrum, n., peace-offerings: obtulit pacifica,Vulg. 2 Reg. 6, 17 et saep.—Hence, adv.: pācĭ-fĭcē, pacifically, peaceably (post-class.): consulere,Cypr. Ep. 41; Vulg. Gen. 26, 31.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary