Lewis Short
(P. a.P. a.) : ŏpĕror (collat. form ŏpĕro, Cassiod. Hist. Eccl. 10, 33; Commod. 30, 14), ātus, 1
* V. dep. n. [opus], to work, labor, toil, take pains; to be busied (not in Cic. or Caes.).— Constr. absol. or with dat.
* Lit.
* In gen.
* Transf.
* In partic., in relig. lang., to serve the gods, perform sacred rites, to honor or celebrate by sacrifices (for which: operam dare rebus divinis,Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 26): operari est deos religiose et cum summā veneratione sacrificiis litare,Non. 523, 9; Pompon. ap. Non. 523, 13: illum Dianae sanctum diem,Afran. ib. 14: sacra refer Cereri laetis operatus (= sacrificans) in herbis,Verg. G. 1, 339; cf.: Cynthia jam noctes est operata decem,Prop. 2, 33, 2 (3, 31, 2); and: mulier justis operata sacris, Hor C. 3, 14, 6: sacris,Liv. 1, 31, 8: superstitionibus,id. 10, 39, 2: viditque se operatum, et sanguine sacro respersa praetexta,Tac. A. 2, 14. Vesta, fave: tibi nunc operata resolvimus ora,the mouth devoted to thee,Ov. F. 6, 249: janua matutinis operatur festa lucernis,Juv. 12, 92.
* To work, have effect, be effectual, to be active, to operate (post-class.): nihil denique praetermitteret, quod ad crudelitatem videretur operari,to be effectual,Capitol. Maxim. 13: ad sui dispendium,to avail,Cod. Just. 5, 12, 7: venenum operatur,operates,Lampr. Commod. 17.
* Act. (eccl. Lat.)
* Ŏpĕrans, antis, P. a., active, efficient, effectual (post-Aug.): operantes apes spectare,Plin. 21, 14, 47, § 80.—Comp.: bonitas operantior,Tert. adv. Marc. 2, 4.— Neutr. adv.: aridas vaporationes operantius mederi quam cataplasmata,Cael. Aur. Acut. 3, 8, 89.—Sup.: clysteres adhibere operantissimos,Cael. Aur. Acut. 2, 39.
* Ŏpĕrātus, a, um, P. a.
* Pass., performed, effected (eccl. Lat.): tot charismata perperam operata,Tert. Praescr. 29.
* Act., efficacious, effective: fallaciae vis operatior,Tert. Anim. 57.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary