Lewis Short
(verb) : ŏb-ambŭlo, āvi, ātum, 1, and
* A., to walk before or near any thing, to go past (not in Cic. or Caes.); constr. with dat. or acc.: obambulare adversum alios ambulare, et quasi ambulanti sese opponere, Paul. ex Fest. p. 187 Müll.
* With dat.: obambulare muris,Liv. 36, 34, 4: gymnasio,Suet. Tib. 11: nec (lupus) gregibus nocturnus obambulat, walk or prowl about, Verg. G. 3, 538.
* Transf., in gen., to go or walk about, wander: neu noctu irem obambulatum,Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 34: ante vallum,Liv. 25, 39: sermone imperfecto,Quint. 11, 3, 121: in herbis,Ov. M. 2, 851: praeter os,Plaut. Poen. prol. 19.—Absol.: cum solus obambulet,Ov. Tr. 2, 459; Suet. Tib. 25.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary