Lewis Short
(adj.adj.) : nummŭlārĭus (nūm-), a, um, adj. nummulus
* Of or belonging to moneychanging; as adj. very rare: mensa,Dig. 14, 3, 20.
* Subst.: nummŭlārĭus (nūm-), ii, m., a money-changer, moneybroker, mensarius (post-Aug.; cf. argentarius): nummulario, non ex fide versanti pecunias, manus amputavit mensaeque ejus affixit,Suet. Galb. 9; Petr. 56; Dig. 16, 3, 7; Mart. 12, 57, 8.
* An officer of the mint who tested the silver before it was coined, Inscr. Orell. 3226; 3227.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary