Lewis Short

nīgresco, grŭi, 3
* V. inch. n. (usu. ī) [id.], to become black, grow dark (poet. and post-Aug. prose): latices nigrescere sacros, etc.,Verg. A. 4, 454: tenebris nigrescere,id. ib. 11, 824: nigrescunt sanguine venae,Ov. A. A. 3, 503: baca incipiens nigrescere,Plin. 15, 1, 2, § 6: nigrescens cutis,id. 26, 1, 5, § 7: nigrescentes dentes,id. 31, 10, 46, § 117: bacae cum jam nigruerint,Col. 12, 48: dies nigrescet,Vulg. Ezech. 30, 18.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary