Lewis Short
(adjective) : multĭfĭdus, a, um, multus-findo
* Many-cleft, i. e. cleft or divided into many parts (poet. and post-Aug.).
* Lit.: faces,Ov. M. 7, 259; 8, 644: pedes,Plin. 11, 37, 45, § 128: dens,i. e. a comb,Mart. 14, 25, 2.
* Transf., of the hair, many-parted, parted into many locks: illi multifidos crinis sinuatur in orbes, Idaliā divisus acu,Claud. Rapt. Pros. 2, 15.—Of rivers, divided into many streams: Timavus,many-armed,Mart. 8, 28, 7.
* Trop.: horror,various, manifold,Val. Fl. 4, 661: suavitates,Mart. Cap. 2, § 117: vaticinandi scientia,Jul. Val. Rer. Gest. Alex. M. 1, 2.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary