

Lewis Short

(adj.Subst.) : menstrŭus, a, um, adj.mensis.
* In gen. (class.): ferias menstruas edicere,Varr. L. L. 6, § 13 Müll.: usura,Cic. Att. 6, 1, 3: ventorum ratio,Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 128.
* That lasts a month, for the space of a month, monthly: vita menstrua. Cic. Fin. 4, 12, 30: spatium,id. N. D. 1, 31, 87: menstrua cibaria. Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 30, § 72.—As subst.: men-strŭum, i, n., a month's provisions, Liv. 44, 2.
* In partic., of or belonging to monthly purgations, to menstruation, menstruous: menstruae purgationes,Plin. 32, 10, 46, § 132: cursus,id. 11, 39, 94, § 230: sanguis,Vulg. Lev. 15, 25. —As subst.: menstrŭa, ōrum, n., monthly purgations, menses, catamenia, Cels. 6, 6, 38: ciere,Plin. 22, 21, 30, § 65: sedare,id. 20, 14, 54, § 154.—In sing., Plin. 28, 7, 23, § 78.—Of female animals: canis,menstruous,Plin. 29, 5, 32, § 98.
* Menstrŭum, i, n.: menstruum meum Calend Septembr finitur,a monthly term of office, monthly service,Plin. Ep. 10, 24, 3.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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