Lewis Short
lectĭo (noun F) : lego.
* A gathering, collecting.
* In gen. (post-Aug. and rare): lectio lapidum,Col. 2, 2, 12: florum,Arn. 5, 173.—*
* A reading, perusal; a reading out, reading aloud.
* Lit.
* In gen.: delectabatur lectione librorum,Cic. Ac. 2, 2, 4: lectio sine ulla delectatione,id. Tusc. 2, 3, 7: versuum,Quint. 1, 8, 2: non cruda, sed multa iteratione mollita et velut confecta,id. 10, 1, 19: continua,id. 11, 2, 34; cf. id. 1, cap. 8 and 10, cap. 1 passim.
* Transf. (abstr. pro contr.), that which is read, reading, text (post-class.): lectio tamen docet, eo tempore solitos, etc.,Macr. S. 7, 7, 5: haec sunt quae lectio pontificalis habet,id. ib. 7, 13, 11 fin.: juris lectiones,passages of the laws,Cod. Just. 6, 61, 5: ubi lectio aliqua falsitate notata est,Isid. 1, 20, 3; so, pervulgati juris,Amm. 30, 4, 18: datā lectione quae non sit intellectu difficilis,Cael. Aur. Tard. 1, 5, 163: quia Moyses prius hoc statuit, sicut lectio manifestat, Mos. et Rom. Leg. Coll. 7, 1 prooem.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary