

Lewis Short

(verb) : lātrōcĭnor, ātus, 1, 2. latro.
* To perform military service for pay, to be a hired soldier (ante-class.): ibit aliquo Latrocinatum,Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 198; id. Mil. 2, 6, 19: qui regi latrocinatus decem annos Demetrio, id. Fragm. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 52 Müll.
* To practise freebooting, robbery, or highway-robbery, to rob on the highway: Catilina latrocinantem se interfici mallet, quam exsulem vivere,Cic. Cat. 2, 7 fin.: ubi impune sui posteri latrocinarentur,id. Mil. 7, 17: vitae instituta sic distant, ut Cretes et Aetoli latrocinari honestum putent,id. Rep. 3, 9, 15.—To commit piracy: maritimi, alteri mercandi causa, alteri latrocinandi,Cic. Rep. 2, 4, 9.
* Transf. *
* Of a fish preying upon others, to hunt, seize: pastinaca latrocinatur ex occulto,Plin. 9, 42, 67, § 144.—*
* Of a physician who dissects a body: mortui praecordia et viscus omne in conspectum,Cels. 1 praef.—Hence. lātrōcĭnanter, adv., like a robber, Aug. Ep. 35, 3.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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