Lewis Short
jŭvĕnesco, nŭi, 3
* V. inch. n. [juvenis].
* To reach the age of youth, to grow up (poet. and post-Aug.): vitulus ... largis juvenescit herbis,Hor. C. 4, 2, 54: ex quo juvenuit,Tert. Exhort. ad Cast. 6 fin.
* To grow young again.
* Lit.: Pylius juvenescere posset,Ov. Am. 3, 7, 41: glires aestate juvenescunt,Plin. 8, 57, 82, § 224. —Of plants: rosa recisa juvenescit,Plin. 21, 11, 40, § 69.
* Transf., to become vigorous, regain strength, flourish: gladii juvenescunt,Stat. Th. 3, 583: corpus regni juvenescit,recovers itself,Claud. Laud. Stil. 2, 20: continuo montes muro,id. VI. Cons. Honor. 534.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary