Lewis Short
ĭnundātĭo (noun F) : inundo
* An overflowing, inundating, inundation (postAug.): fluminum,Col. 3, 11, 8: coërcere,Suet. Aug. 30: inundationes Tiberis,id. Oth. 8: Nili,Plin. Pan. 30 fin.; Cassiod. Var. 3, 42: terrarum,the deluge,Plin. 5, 13, 14, § 69; Sol. 34, 1.
* Transf., of a crowd of people, Schol. Juv. 3, 249.— Of horses: inundatione equorum ejus operiet te pulvis,Vulg. Ezech. 26, 10.—Of troubles, sorrow, Vulg. Job, 21, 17.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary