Lewis Short

(verb) : in-sterno, strāvi, strātum, 3
* To cover, cover over: instrata cubilia fronde,Lucr. 5, 987; so, instratos ostro,Verg. A. 7, 277; cf.: si palo adacto caverna paleā insternatur,Plin. 19, 5, 26, § 84: pontes altos,Verg. A. 12, 675.
* Transf., to lay upon as a cover, to spread over: modicis instravit pulpita tignis (dat.), laid the stage over an insignificant scaffolding, Hor. A. P. 279.
* To cast or throw into: sese Ignibus,Stat. Th. 12, 800.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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