Lewis Short

(verb) : ĭnānĭo, īvi or ĭi, ītum, 4, inanis
* To make empty, to empty out, evacuate (poet. and in post-Aug. prose): hoc ubi inanitur spatium, etc.,Lucr. 6, 1005; cf.: locus inanitus magis ac vacuatus,ib. 1025: herbacea arefacta per se inanit alvum,Plin. 20, 3, 8, § 14: vesicas (polium),id. 21, 20, 84, § 146: corpora (luna, opp. implet),id. 2, 98, 99, § 122.—Part. as subst.: ĭnānītum, i, n., vacancy, emptiness (opp. plenum), Tert. Res. Carn. 4.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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