Lewis Short

(verb) : glūtĭo or gluttio, īvi or ĭi, ītum, 4, kindr. with Sanscr. glri, to swallow down; hence also gula and the redupl. gurgulio
* To swallow or gulp down: gluttit, ἐγκάπτει, Gloss. (mostly post-Aug.).
* Lit.: nimio sunt crudae (collyrae), nisi quas madidas gluttias,Plaut. Pers. 1, 3, 15: epulas,Juv. 4, 29: micularum minimum cum vino destillatum gluttivi,Fronto Ep. 5, 40 Mai.; Vulg. Job, 7, 19.
* Transf., of sound, to utter interruptedly, as if swallowing: cum glutiunt vocem velut strangulati,Plin. 10, 12, 15, § 33.
* Trop.: Christus clamans glutitam mortem,Tert. adv. Marc. 2, 267.
* ‡ glutio, īre, the noise made by hens, to cluck; v. ‡ glocidare.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary