Lewis Short
factor (noun M) : id.
* A maker, doer, performer, perpetrator (ante- and postclass.).
* In gen.: cuparum doliorumque,Pall. 1, 6: qui praepositum suum non praetexit, cum posset, in pari causa factori habendus est,the doer,Dig. 49, 16, 6, § 8: sceleris,ib. 29, 5, 1, § 21; 48, 3, 7: suus,his creator,Vulg. Deut. 32, 15; id. Isa. 29, 16 al.: legis,doer,id. Rom. 2, 13; id. Jacob, 1, 23.
* In partic.
* In econom. lang., an oil-presser, Cato, R. R. 13; 64; 66; 67.—*
* In ball-playing, he who strikes the ball, the batsman, Plaut. Curc. 2, 3, 18; cf. dator.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary