Lewis Short

(v. n.adv.) : ex-ūbĕro, āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and
* A. (poet. and in post-Aug. prose).
* Neutr., to come forth in abundance, to grow luxuriantly; to be abundant, to abound in.
* Prop.: cujus corpus in tam immodicum modum luxuriasset exuberassetque,Gell. 7, 22, 4: alte spumis exuberat amnis,Verg. A. 7, 465: (frus) mox increscens ad medium noctis exuberat,Plin. 2, 103, 106, § 228: pomis exuberat annus,Verg. G. 2, 516 al.
* Act., to make full or abundant: quae favorum ceras exuberant,Col. 9, 4, 5: materia melior vindemiis exuberandis,id. 2, 15, 5.—Trop.: Scythae exuberant Persas,i. e. overwhelm by numbers of immigrants,Tert. Pall. 2.—P. a.: exuberans, ntis.
* Superfluous: hoc exuberantis quasi operis, ut, etc.,Quint. 10, 5, 1.
* Extraordinary: pernicitas,Amm. 19, 8, 11. —Hence, adv.: exuberante, superfluously, Cassiod. de Amic. 25, 3.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary


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