Lewis Short
(adjective) : errābundus, a, um, erro
* Wandering to and fro, wandering about (rare; not in Cic. or Caes.): odor,floating about,Lucr. 4, 692: nunc errabundi domos suos pervagarentur,Liv. 1, 29; cf. Suet. Caes. 31: naves (with dispersae), Auct. B. Afr. 2, 4: naves vagabantur,ib. 21, 3: trieris,ib. 44, 2: agmen,Curt. 8, 4, 6.—Poet. transf.: vestigia bovis,Verg. E. 6, 58.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary