Lewis Short
ērĭcĭus (noun M) : er
* A hedgehog, urchin.
* Prop., Varr. ap. Non. 49, 10, and 106, 18; cf. Isid. Orig. 12, 3, 7; Vulg. Isa. 14, 23; 34, 11 (as translation of Heb. kipōd, which was probably a bird—perh. the bittern. But the LXX. and Gesenius, Thes. Heb. s. v., sustain the Vulgate).
* Transf., in milit. lang., a beam armed with sharp spikes to keep off assailants, Caes. B. C. 3, 67, 5 and 6; Sall. Fragm. ap. Non. 555, 2.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary