Lewis Short
(adjective) = ἔγκαυστος: encaustus (encaut-), a, um
* Burned in, encaustic.
* Adj.: genus pingendi,the encaustic mode of painting,Plin. 35, 11, 41, § 149; cf., respecting it, O. Müller, Archäol. § 320: Phaëthon,Mart. 4, 47, 1.
* Subst.: en-caustum (encaut-), i., n., = ἔγκαυστον, the purple-red ink of the later Roman emperors, Cod. Th. 7, 20, 1; August. contra Faust. 3, 18; Cod. Just. 1, 23, 6 al.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary