Lewis Short
(adjective) : cŏhortālis (cort-), e, cohors.
* Pertaining to a cattle or poultry-yard (freq. in Col.; elsewhere very rare): aves,Col. 1, prooem. § 27; 6, 27, 4; 8, 1, 3: gallina,id. 8, 2, 1: pullus,Cels. 2, 18: officina,Col. 8, 3, 8: ratio,id. 8, 2, 6.
* Pertaining to an imperial body - guard (late Lat.): officium, Cod. Th. 12, 58, 13: condicio,ib. 16, 62, 3 al.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary