Lewis Short
chŏraules (noun M) : (acc. choraulen, Plin. 37, 1, 3, § 6; Petr. 52 fin.:
* Choraulam,Suet. Ner. 54; a nom. choraula is apparently found only in the later glossaries), m., = χοραύλης, a flute-player, who accompanied with a flute the chorus dance, Mart. 5, 56, 9; 9, 78; Juv. 6, 77; Petr. 69, 5; Suet. Galb. 12 fin.; Sid. Ep. 9, 13; Inscr. Orell. 2609; cf. Diom. p. 489 P.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary